Bat Chen Sneir

Born in 1963, lives and creates in Katzir


1990-1993  Art studies, Kalisher Art Academy

1985-1988  B.A in Science and Philosophy, University of Haifa

Solo exhibitions:

2023 Layers, Artists’ House, Tel Aviv

2023 'Root Work', Artists' House, Rishon LeZion

2019 "Place Painting", Menasha Regional Gallery

2017 Gerstein Gallery, Tel Aviv

2015 "Bat Chen - Paintings", Maai Gallery, Zichron Ya'akov

 2012 "The Language of the Soul", Gan Shmuel Gallery, Kibbutz Gan Shmuel

Group exhibitions:

2024 "To Space and Beyond", The Container Art Gallery, Menasha Regional Center

2024 'Phantom Pains', Teo Gallery and Art Center, Herzliya Pituach

2023 'Registered in the Body', Social Space Gallery, Hanasi Hotel, Jerusalem

2023 'Plastic footprint', Teo Gallery and Art Center, Herzliya Pituach

2023 'Father's big umbrella, in the light of the poems of Levin Kipnis', the gallery at Beit Yad
           Labanim, Rishon LeZion

2022 “Under the Lamp", Kibbutz Ein-Shemer, Israel, 2022

2021 “Trees Talk”, Ben Ami Gallery, Tel-Aviv, , Israel

2019 “Under the Lamp ", Givat Haviva Gallery, Israel

2018 " Money Talks", Ein-Hod Gallery, Ein-Hod, Israel

2016  Maai Gallery, Zichron Yaakov, Israel

2015 "Traces of the Real", Central Station Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel

2014 "For Your Eyes Only", Beit Hecht, Haifa, Israel

2013 "Gan Ham", Beit Hecht, Haifa, Israel

Paintings on book covers:

2018 Idiomatic Expressions and Somatic Experience in Psychoanalysis, by Ravit Raufman,

          Published by Routledge

2016 Photograph on the cover of the book, "That language - stories with and the
          experiential language of the soul", By Yoav Yigal and Ravit Raufman, published by Resling